Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Stories of YES #27 - WE are the lucky ones

"I still remember the anguish I felt when I learned Lou and I couldn’t conceive. I was that kid who always played at home, stuffing a pillow under her shirt and pretending to be pregnant. I couldn’t wait to be a mom! I had the best mom in the world and I’m convinced she was the reason why I wanted so badly to become a mom... so I could be just like her.

Much as I sometimes still wonder what a “mini-me” of Lou and Laura might have been and looked like, I can wholeheartedly say that if I had to do it all over, I’d choose adoption again as a way of growing our family. The immense joy our girls have brought us can’t be described with words. We’d be so lost without them. They are the light of our lives and really, they — Emily Xin Nian from Nanchang, China and Giulia Tu Tu from Changsha, China — are undeniably little Italian/Argentine pasta, eggplant and prosciutto loving, mini versions of Lou and I - just with Asian features!

In light of National Adoption Month, I just want to say what a proud mommy I am and how grateful I am to God for my girls every day. I know adoption isn’t for everyone (I’ve, sadly, had people say to me “if it’s not my child/blood, I don’t want him/her”), but - honestly - they have no clue how much they’re missing out on. People have said, “Your girls are so lucky to have you” but WE are the ones who have been immeasurably blessed with these kiddos who were destined to be ours. Yes, WE are the lucky ones, and I am forever thankful that my girls have allowed me to be their mommy." 

- Laura Zapatero Assante

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