Thursday, September 6, 2012

Daniel at work...

Last night the Holy Spirit prompted me to reach out to a couple of Yahoo adoption groups to share Daniel's story.

From one of the group moderators, I received a less-than-warm welcome.  In fact, I was actually denied membership to the group.  Yep, it hurt. Because that's my son you're rejecting.  But I need to accept that not everyone is going to "get" our mission.  Move on.

The second group is comprised of adoptive families from the province where Daniel was from (Jiangxi), and the group moderator greeted me with with open arms and accepted our story with an open heart. I woke up this morning to read the most beautiful comment on the blog that he had written at 4:38 in the morning.

This kind man offered to help spread the word about the book and also divulged the ages of his daughters, who are both adopted from China. Their oldest is from Jiangxi, as Daniel was. He included a link for their blog, so I decided to take a peek. I also intended to find an email address, so I could thank him for his kind words.

While on their blog, I noticed that they are followers of the blog Praying Adam Home. To me that was a fascinating discovery. Because Adam was in Daniel's travel group in 2010! We traveled with Adam's amazing family to bring Daniel home!  What a small world!

I immediately sent the moderator an email of appreciation and acknowledged that he follows our friends blog.  Are you ready for this?  Turns out that these two families traveled together to adopt their daughters in 2006!

Talk about full circle.  I think I can safely say that Daniel made us a wonderful introduction.  What are the chances??  That little angel never stops...

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