Wednesday, December 12, 2012

a brush with a pro

Last night, Madi and I attended the musical performance of my seriously talented nephews, Murphy and Myles. And I'm not just saying that because I am their proud, gloating aunt. These two boys have big, bright futures ahead of 'em.

The concert was sponsored by Sue and James Patterson. Yes...that James Patterson. The man who's sold more books than any other author. The writer whose books have sold an estimated 260 million copies worldwide.

Quite honestly, I am not a big reader. But I do know who James Patterson is.

So, when I found myself--after the performance--standing about ten feet away from this icon, what's a rookie like me to do?

You betcha' I approached that man!  I mean, when else on earth might I ever be in that very situation again?

I marched right over there, shook his hand, and announced that I just wrote a book. I also asked if I could give him my card (the business card for the book), which he accepted.

As Jimmy pointed out, I've got a 50/50 shot of him actually looking at that card...or throwing into his circular file.

I'll take my chances. I think those are pretty good odds;)

1 comment:

  1. That is fabulous! I am sure if he looks at your card he will call you...I hear he is a nice person. Nothing happens by accident, right?


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