Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Stories of YES #23 - The Bouchard family

"The past seven years, we've added a child to our family every year. We didn't plan that - we simply said yes. Yes, to the orphan, yes to God's love, again and again, yes.
That's a house full of healing hearts, and trauma, and tears. We see children who were once broken opening up their hearts to help new little ones heal. It's beautiful and hard all at once. It's our life and some days it's so routine, and some days I stop and really look at how different it is. Some days it's heart breaking when you realize why you have the routines you do - because of the abuse some have endured that young children should never have to. Changing diapers or giving baths shouldn't be traumatic, had someone not hurt them. It's a bittersweet, yet beautiful picture of redemption that we get to live on a daily basis.
Some days we soar and rejoice in each small step of healing, and some days, I'm exhausted and cry out to God that I can't. And He tells me that's right - I can't. Only with His strength, only because He loved and rescued me, can I love even when it's hard. We love because He first loved us.
People ask if we are done adopting. All I know is I hope to never be done saying Yes, to whomever God asks me to love."

 - Chante Morrow

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