Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mischief Baby

It's a bottle of baby lotion.

Not just any baby lotion.  It's Mischief Baby.

It was purchased for Daniel in Nanchang, China when we adopted him and we massaged his little body with it almost daily.

And it's empty now.

But I can't bear to throw it out.

Does that sound weird?  Do I sound like some strange hoarder?

Somehow, I feel like that silly plastic bottle is a piece of his journey home--a piece of him, and I don't think I'm ready to part with that.

Not yet, anyway.

Sometimes, I suppose it's the little things...

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I'd have a tough time throwing it out, too. Sentimental? Yep. But who cares? A friend of mine got me a baby box when Xandra was born. I have it packed full of all those little baby mementoes... but I didn't get one when Milo came home (cause he wasn't a newborn, and no one thought it would be used). I'm going to get one for him for all of the stuff I can't part with. Hold on to it*. It means something to you, & brings back good memories.
    *just as long as you don't start keeping rotten food or dead animals under piles of clothing & trash!! ;)


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