Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Heart of Adoption

It is National Adoption Month. I love, love, love seeing all the wonderful posts through my Facebook news feed this month...stories of faith, testimonies of love, the sharing of inspiration.

But I do believe my heart has witnessed the beginning of something too amazing for words.

I was recently called by a friend to ask if I would be willing to talk with one of her friends about adoption. My answer, naturally, was a resounding yes. I adore any opportunity to share this gift...this blessed calling of adoption, and I am honored to be a part.

There was more to this story though. Without giving away too many details that might risk revealing her identity, I will just divulge that this woman has lost a child...a son. And her child was taken from her in a very tragic and high-profile way at the hands of another human being.

It gives me chills every time I think about it.

You see, despite this woman's devastating circumstances, she has opened her heart to the idea of adopting a child who needs a family. This mother has every right to be mad at the world, to be angry and bitter to mankind, and she has every reason to question her faith. Her loss is unimaginable. 

Yet, our God is bigger. 

Our sovereign God has taken that painful, empty space in her heart and has planted this great seed of hope. The fact that she's even exploring this process speaks volumes. And I just know, if she allows this to happen, that hole within her will be filled...with joy, with love, and with a saving grace like no other. 

Will it replace her son?  Nope. Can't be done. As I know from our own loss, their angel will be never be forgotten. But when I think about the joy this family might experience in such giving of themselves? It is just overwhelming...

Our God is bigger...our God is better.

Will you please join me in prayer for this family? Please pray that they have the courage to follow their hearts and trust our Heavenly Father on this journey. Please pray that those holes of grief in their hearts are filled. And please pray that if they are able to move forward with an adoption, our Lord will provide abundantly on their behalf. Thank you for your prayer intentions for this family, and all of those whose hearts are moved to the ministry of adoption during this special time. May more children find HOMES through those hearts.

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful. Such a picture of God's redeeming love!!


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