Friday, February 8, 2013

the YMCA

Several months back, when the book was first released, I mentioned our story to Peggy, the Executive Director of the YMCA, and gave her my card. I wanted her to know that the YMCA was a memorable part of our time with Daniel. As I mention in the book, Daniel loved our Mommy & Me class together, and he had quite the fascination with bubbles.

I didn't hear from Peggy over the next several months, nor did I see her, but I kept thinking that I'd run into her again eventually, and I trusted in the Holy Spirit to connect us when the time was right.

Which finally happened yesterday. As I was pedaling an exercise bike, I began thinking about fundraising efforts, and as I formulated a plan, I saw her out of the corner of my eye.

When I finished my workout, I hoped that she hadn't left for lunch. I was relieved to find her by the front desk, and I reintroduced myself.

"You just crossed my mind just the other day," Peggy said. She almost sounded surprised to see me. "I found your card and thought of you, because we are having a prayer breakfast in March where people will share their stories of faith." 

Thank you, Jesus.  I am so happy and appreciative of any opportunity to share our baby boy and our faith testimony. Peggy is going to speak with the coordinator of the prayer breakfast, and hopefully I'll be in the lineup.

I also asked Peggy if I could display a book at the front desk, accompanied by a sign that we will make a donation to the YMCA for each book purchased there. 

She graciously said "Yes."  And it is so nice to see Daniel's little face in the YMCA once again:)

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