Thursday, October 27, 2011

I love my Editor...

Since June of this year, I have had the privilege of working with an amazing lady (and accomplished author) named Marilyn-Murray Willison.

Marilyn fascinates me because she is like a walking encyclopedia (much like my brother, Andrew). She has had an "obsession" with women and what makes them tick from the time she was a little girl. She has taken her passion and knowledge of women and turned it into an incredible book called The Self-Empowered Woman, which can be purchased through

I love meeting with Marilyn on a weekly basis because she inspires me to be a better writer. God knows, this project is very close to my heart, and Marilyn's editing has done nothing but add poetic justice to our story without changing it.

Marilyn's more than an editor to me--she's become a friend, and I look forward to the day that I can hand her one of my books and thank her for helping me see this through.

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