You might have seen Facebook postings about Teresa's heart transplant. Perhaps you've been following her family's story all along. Or maybe you saw her precious face on the Today Show. You can read all about her on their family
blog. Teresa's funeral took place this morning.
Our adoption community (and the world) lost a beautiful princess this week, but Heaven gained a most beautiful angel. There were literally thousands of people praying for her--over five thousand--just on the Facebook prayer group alone. This child's reach has been amazing, and as everyone came together to pray for her survival, her passing reminded us that God doesn't always answer prayers the way we expect Him to.
I hear, through the family's Facebook prayer group, that they are
standing strong. I am not surprised. That is surely one of
the blessings in loss. It's as if God puts you in a protective bubble.
They are surrounded by so much love and support right now. And though
grief--as we know--comes in waves, it sounds like they've made a choice
to rejoice. This is when real faith kicks in--when we ask ourselves that question from the back cover of With an Open Heart:
"What happens when we have one plan, and God has another? Do you still believe?
Their family's motto, all along, has been "Believe in Miracles." They are a faith-filled family, and I feel certain that they still do believe.
Teresa's life has been nothing short of a miracle. Teresa loved Jesus
so much, that the Catholic Church made a special exception and allowed
her to receive her first communion early. She earned that ticket to Heaven.
Tiaras are now being sported all over the world. Families have been inspired to adopt. New charitable organizations have been born, and the ripple effect for the greater good continues. Hearts are bursting open with love--all over the map--because of this one child. There are even mentions that Teresa may become a saint. Her life has made an enormous impact on many. How can you not be joyful about that? Praise Jesus.
This is one of the ways in which Teresa has impacted me. I noticed, through the prayer group, that many people were writing about their own little angels, in order to provide words of comfort and inspiration to the family. And then I realized that there are so many other parents out there, like us, who've lost children and have beautiful angels in Heaven meeting Teresa!
And on the day she went to Heaven, I imagined Teresa being surrounded by children. I believe that Daniel was there to greet her, and it became obvious that other members of the group believe their babies and children were there to greet Teresa, too.
So, Teresa inspired me to create a Facebook group designed for families who have "Angel Babes." I wanted those of us with angels to connect, so we could all imagine them forming a big circle of love around Teresa. It's not always easy to talk about loss with those who haven't shared such a devastating, yet beautiful, experience. The group has been more of a blessing than I ever imagined or anticipated. The stories I have read are the most amazing and powerful testimonies, much like Teresa's, to the goodness of God! Our forum is also be a "safe" place where we can share ourselves with those who've experienced a similar loss. And even though some members have wounds that are very fresh, it is clear that the group has already proven to be an incredible support system. Teresa is with some wonderful little friends up there.
I hope that someday the Bartlinski family will join us in the group, so they, too, can know some of Teresa's new friends. They, along with sweet Princess Teresa, will always be "honorary members," and on each anniversary of Teresa's passing (July 1st), we will remember her and thank her for bringing us together.
Please continue to pray for their family as they pick up the pieces. If you feel moved to give to their "Believe in Miracles" charity, the information can be found on their
Half the Sky Foundation, who was also instrumental in our Daniel's care, has also created a fund in Teresa's name. Here is the
Thank you, Bartlinski family, for sharing
your story of faith, love, and courage with the world. This weekend, as we reflect upon receiving the referral--four years ago--of our own China "heart baby" who resides in Heaven, we remember and celebrate your angel, too.